Along with my previous work, I’m pursuing a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling so I can truly immerse myself in the field and deal with these issues hands on.
Experienced Speaker
I combine personal experiences and a unique brand of humor to create engaging conversations that invite the audience to see the impact of mental health care on kids and teens like myself.
Passionate Creative
Whether it be a nonfiction article, a personal essay, or a podcast episode, I’m always coming up with new ways to share my story and information for a wide range of audiences.
“A Leg Below the Rest”
After a history of extensive childhood trauma–not least of which was pediatric cancer and amputation–I realized that mental health care wasn’t seen as a priority during my treatment or after. I was left to scramble to find and understand these things on my own. Ever since then, I’ve been speaking on incorporating mental health care into medical practice. Now, I’m working to receive the education I need to impact this area directly. I believe that the best way forward for medicine and mental health care is for them to become a united front that treats patients holistically in one complete setting.
Current Professional Areas
These are the areas of my career that I’m currently focusing on to build expertise, share my message, and build a community with like-minded individuals.